How to stop your dog chewing bed? (Helpful Tips)

How to stop your dog chewing bed

The average cost of a bed in the US is between $250-$1,000. and chewed edges of the bed is one of the experiences known by many dog owners. If you are in the same situation, then you should get ready to pay hefty money for the restoration of your bed or purchase a new one.

But don’t worry!! We will today discuss all the necessary points and after reading this, you can easily handle this issue.

Why do dogs chew their beds? Common Reasons

First of all, you need to understand the reason why a dog behave like this via the following points:-

  • Instinct : Domesticated dogs are selected breeds of wild dogs and wolves, who become dependent on humans for food and protection when they are tamed by them. But they still have an instinct of predator, catching and killing small animals(prey) for food. This kind of habit satisfies the feel of hunting and self-reward, especially for energetic young dogs.
  • Boredom & Anxiety : What do you do when you have nothing to do? You play with things that are near to you. For example, pen spinning in the workplace when you don’t have work. Exactly like this when a dog feels boredom or anxiety he/she chews the blanket and bed for relaxation. Leaving a dog alone at home or separating from previous owners also develop the chewing habit.
  • Growing Teeth : It is a natural condition that causes mild discomfort when new teeth are growing from the gums of puppies around four to six months old. Learn all about the fascinating journey of growing teeth in infants and puppies. Explore our comprehensive guide on this natural developmental process and how to support it for a healthy smile.
  • Health Problem : Sometimes a dog have facing health issues that don’t show any symptoms. It might be related to stomach or Pica (a chewing disorder), which can only be inspected and treated by a dog behaviourist or vet.

How to stop dog chewing bed

Now that you have known what is the reason behind the strange habit of chewing up the bed corners, by following these points, you can make your dog leave this annoying habit.
  • Exercise: 30 minutes and 3 times a day, walking or running is recommended for every healthy and energetic dog. You can also play frisbee, throw and retrieve games with your dog to make your dog busy. In summer, swimming is also an option to try. These kinds of outdoor activities help dogs in good sleep at the night.
  • Try taste deterrents spray-on bed and blankets. The taste spray has a bitter or spicy taste and doesn’t like by most pets. Lemon juice or apple cider vinegar is the natural alternatives you can use if you don’t like spending money or are health-conscious about taste deterrents. Hence dogs will lose interest in biting your bed due to the bad taste of this deterrent.
  • Train your puppy at a very early age. This will make your dog disciplined and obedient. You can hire a pet trainer for that or watch youtube videos and read online articles. Just train the puppy to follow your command not chewing the bed in a polite manner. Don’t get irritated or shout out on the puppy if he doesn’t follow orders initially.

How to stop dog chewing bed when left alone?

When you are not home or at time night, keep your dog’s favourite toys near to him/her. It can be chewing a plastic bone or a soft toy that is non-tearable. By doing this trick, he will not miss you and engage in playing. Provide enough food and water in the bowl so that it doesn’t make your dog thirsty and hungry.

At what age do dogs stop chewing their beds?

After becoming an adult, the dogs stop chewing their beds. As I mentioned above growing teeth issues can cause discomfort in the gums. However, this issue is temporary and ended after six months of age.

Should I stop my dog from chewing his bed?

If it is teething problem, then you should provide something to chew because you can’t control the urge. I suggest these things you can provide – chewing sticks, meat bones, vegetables like carrots, old stuffed toys and used pillows.

Which dog breeds chews the most?

You can avoid the hassle if you don’t choose these dogs at the adoption. Labradors Retriever, Jack Russell’s, Golden Retriever, Beagle, Chihuahua and Border Collie are some of the breeds of the dogs which are reported mostly appearing the chewing problem.

Dog breeds that don’t chew furniture?

Mastiff, Miniature Schnauzer and Boston Terrier are some dog breeds that chew the least, however, that doesn’t guarantee that these dogs will not show such problems purely. Some cases appear when training is not done properly with them.

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