In popular belief, cats and dogs are considered natural foes to each other. But in fact, they can be good buddies if trained and socialized. The aggression in a dog towards cats or vice versa depends on the circumstances and personality of the pets. It is the responsibility of every owner to look into the aggression problem of their pet rather than ignore it.
Here are common signs of dog aggression towards cats
You can tell if a dog is aggressive towards felines by observing the behavior of chasing or attacking in general, but you may also notice other signs.
- Stillness, ears up, and intense staring are unambiguous indications that a puppy is feeling unease with the presence of cats.
- High-pitch barking and whining constantly.
- Low growling or snarling is a warning gesture by the dog to cats to stay away.
- Lunging is a state in which a dog is ready to jump forward to attack.
- Raised tail up is a gesture that the dog is in an alert position.
- Not sharing its food and toys with the cat.
- A Jealous dog will try to come in between the cat and the owner.
Why is my dog so aggressive towards cats?
First, you must understand the reasons behind aggressive behavior to solve the problem.
- Jealousy: As we all know, dogs consider every cat prey, and cats see a dog as a threat. And a dog will attack a cat if it has to share food, place, and owner’s attention.
- Prey Drive: It is a stimulus that triggers the dog to kill in response to when it sees prey like a cat or a small animal. It is not the fault of pet dogs because, before wild dogs’ domestication, they did the hunting and weren’t dependent on humans for food.
How to stop dog aggression towards cats
- Introduce them: Before adopting a cat or dog, try to match their personalities first. Does your dog tolerate cats? Some dogs breed are notorious for having strong prey instincts, like Weimaraner, Huskies, and Malamutes. If they don’t like each other, keep them in separate rooms for some days. Familiarize them daily for some minutes, but keep the cat in a cage and put the dog on a leash. It would be great if they grew together.
- Basic Training: Teaching basic commands help control a dog’s prey drive. Words like stay, sit, come and leave can train your pup to change aggressive behavior. You can also use your dog’s favorite treat to succeed in training.
- Keep dog busy: There are lots of possibilities that a highly energetic doggie will try to chase the cat. Daily exercise, walks, and outdoor games will drain the dog’s excess energy, so dogs have no energy left for aggression.
How can you tell if a dog is cat friendly?
- It depends on many factors for example, dog breeds like maltese, pugs and cavalier king charles spaniels are naturally friendly to other dogs and cats as well.
- Body language and the overall personality of a dog can also give you an idea of how it will react when you bring a cat home.
Are dogs naturally aggressive towards cats?
All canines are predators and possess the same instinct their wild ancestors possess (to chase and kill prey). When they see a cat, a dog’s prey drive is triggered and in response they attack.