What to do if your dog eats chocolate ? (Quick Guide)

What to do if your dog eats chocolate

My friend has a golden retriever who was happy and jolly nature but once he suddenly starts facing a health issue which make my friend worrisome. He at once consulted a Veterinary doctor and he was asked some regular questions regarding the health deterioration. He answered to the vet that his dog has ingested his chocolate large amount and was amazed to know that the chocolate was the reason behind this.

I have then researched this topic and marked some of the essential points in this blog that will help you with this topic.

Why is chocolate bad for dogs ? (Reason)

Chocolate is poisonous for dogs because it contains two-ingredients theobromine and caffeine. Mostly dogs’ bodies take too much time to break down and absorb the component of chocolate. Just like diabetic people can’t metabolize glucose properly, ingestion of chocolate’s harmful compound by dogs is a slower process that builds the toxic level which causes vomiting, diarrhoea and death. 

How much chocolate is toxic to a dog?

It depends on how much chocolate amount, the dog’s health and size and also the amount of pureness of chocolate.

There is a thumb of the rule regarding the weight of the dog which suggests how much amount of chocolate can be eaten by a dog without getting any lethal effect on health.

Long term effects of dog eating chocolate


It is admissible that chocolate in heavy amounts is toxic and lethal for the health of the dog, but there are less severe effects of less amount and time (once in a while/ by mistake) of chocolate ingestion depending on dog size and breed, the chocolate type is also needed to keep in mind.

In many cases and reports, it is found that diarrhoea and vomiting are common issues if only a small amount of chocolate is ingested.

Symptoms of chocolate poisoning in dogs


As we have already discussed that chocolate consumed by a dog is the important key in investigating.

If the amount ingested of chocolate’s harmful part i.e. Theobromine and caffeine is very low then symptoms of chocolate poisoning will be slow and very less severe like vomiting, frequent urination and defecation, restlessness. While in extremely severe cases, a dog can have seizures or even fall to death. Also notice that dogs having old age and heart problems issue are more prone to have severe damage if they consume chocolate.

What organ does chocolate affect in dogs?

Theobromine primarily affects the respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems, hence affecting common organs like the heart, lungs and organs related to digestion.

Can a dog recover from chocolate poisoning?


As we have already discussed that chocolate poisoning can be fatal due to three major points:-

  1. The amount of Chocolate eaten by a dog is not very heavy
  2. The weight and breed of the dog is high and big respectively.
  3. Type of chocolate (dark and bitter chocolate is more toxic)

if your dog has eaten the amount extremely low, his weight is very high and his type of chocolate is not dark, then it is possible that he will not fall ill or show any sign of a problem.

What to do if dog ate chocolate ?

  • If your dog has eaten chocolate in your presence, then you should at once try to notice the amount ingested.
  • If the amount of chocolate and type of chocolate is extremely low and not toxic (dark chocolate with a bitter taste no sugar) respectively, then it will only make the dog health less threatening and you can tackle it via simply ignoring this.
  • If the amount of chocolate eaten makes the dog’s life-threatening, then you should not delay and go to your vet. Your vet will immediately do the precautionary measure.

How to make a dog throw up after eating chocolate?

Normally when you go to the Vet, they will suggest you give your dog a solution of Hydrogen peroxide according to the weight of the dog. This is done by injecting it or pouring it out in the mouth of the dog so that he could swallow it, which will make the dog regurgitate the eaten content. 
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