Reverse Sneezing in Dogs : Symptoms, How to Stop & Prevention

Reverse Sneezing in Dogs

As a pet owner of a German Shepherd Dog, I am always worried about his health and care. 

There is a very common health issue that can be seen among dogs specifically small size dogs like terriers. It is also seen rarely in cats. This health issue is known as Reverse Sneezing in common language.

What is reverse sneezing in dogs

Reverse Sneezing is a respiratory problem in which dogs start sudden inhalation rapidly through their nose. This noise hears like a loud snorting voice through the nose, which can make the dog owner can go nervous for their pet.

Reverse sneezing in dogs symptoms

We have listed all of the Symptoms through which you can define the reverse sneezing in your pet:-

  • Rapid or abnormal inhaling
  • Loud snorting voice
  • Gasping/ unable to breathe
  • Difficult drawing the air

The actual reasons behind the reverse sneezing of dogs are still unknown, some state that it can happen due to irritation in the nose mainly which occurred on the backside of the throat. This irritation can happen due to dust particles, pollen grains, nasal mites, environment allergens, smoke by ciggerate, cigar or other ways etc. This situation can also arise with pets with the small nasal passage.

Is reverse sneezing bad for dogs ?

So the question arises in the mind of pet owners that whether this issue or problem is dangerous for the health of my dog?

Many research had shown that Reverse sneezing has no ill effects on dogs after and before the sneezing issue. It is considered a cautious factor but not harmful for the pet.

The first thing to notice here is the duration of the issue. If you only occurred this issue only once, then it is okay and can be neglected. Typically in a normal scenario, after 50 seconds, sneezing goes off and sometimes this thing only happens once. A small gentle stroke on the neck and the pet goes calm. This can help in these normal scenarios. 

But if the symptoms exceed a time limit, then you should consult a Veterinary doctor immediately.

How to stop reverse sneezing in dogs ?

Reverse Sneezing is not always a worrisome or dangerous situation. Sometimes if you just leave the dog for some minutes and he will be alright. You can also try closing his nostrils and massaging his throat for just some second. This encourages the pet to swallow and leave the sneezing. You can also blow some air in his nose or offer him some water to drink to do reverse the situation. If these methods don’t work and the issue remains for a longer duration, then you should clearly contact the Vet.

When you take your pet to the vet regarding the sneezing, Vet diagnoses your pet. The vet sees the previous medical history of your pet and then try to locate the actual causes behind the issue. Vet check the nasal area and throat areas for any mites, polyps or tumours. He can also prescribe any test if any reason is not found.

How to prevent reverse sneezing in dogs ?

Now we will discuss some of the prevention tips for reverse sneezing in your pet.

  • Avoid any kind of dust particles and clean your pet’s surroundings.
  • Avoid using cleaning products, allergens, smoke in your house that can enter the pet body through the nose.
  • Use Air Conditioner and Air purifier systems to remove dust from the home environment.
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