How To Play With A Dog? (Interactive Indoor And Outdoor Games List)

How To Play With A Dog

The key to a healthy dog is exercise and playing with him frequently. It is often seen that those dogs live longer and are not lazy, who are indulged in games and regular indoor or outdoor exercises.

Why do dogs play?

As all know that pet dogs are evolved from wild dogs or wolves. But they didn’t leave their wild instinct like hunting practices with friends. It is in their nature to prepare for the hunt from the start and to practise daily. Besides the wild instinct, following commands is also like a leader following the game for dogs.

How much playtime does the dog need?

Almost in a day, the dog needs half an hour of playtime of physical activity in a day. However, it all depends on Breed, age and health condition.

Avoid the heat or cold days for your dog exercise and do all types of exercise like running, dashing and digging.

What happens if you don’t play with your dog?

If you leave your pet without daily exercise, then they will develop laziness in their nature which can eventually lead to many complications and issue like anxiety and aggression. It also increases insubordinate behaviour in dogs and they slowly stop following your commands.

8 Games to play with your dog inside

Here are some of the games to play with your dog inside your home:-

  • Hide and seek:- You can play with your dog this very simple game of finding their favourite toy or a treat they loved to savour. Just show the object to your dog and then hide the object in your house. Then signal your dog with a command like “go find it”. When the dog starts finding the object or discovering it, then praise him.
  • Treat in the Cup: This is a mind game for training your dog’s mental health. It will help him to grow mentally and stay fit by the brain. Take three cups and show them to your pet. Then place the favourite thing of your dog under the cup and shuffle the cup many times. When the dog chooses one cup, then show him the result. Praise him if he had guessed the right cup.
  • Tug of war: You can also play this classic rope match with your dog which will give him mental and physical strength. Just give him one end of the soft rope for biting and pull another end of the rope very softly. Try to lose in the match and let the dog win, this will boost his morale. Don’t push the rope hard because that can hurt the dog.
  • Which hand game: This is the same game as Treat in the cup, just with the variation of the hand instead of the cup. Show the treat to your dog and then take both hands behind your back and shuffle the treat in your hands and then show it to your pet. Let him guess the hand and praise him when he guesses correctly.
  • Hide and seek with you: You can play this variation of hiding and seek in which let the pet find you, while you are hiding in the house. This will increase your pet sniffing abilities and also mental health.
  • Catching bubbles: This is a simple practice that always makes the dog happier. They always like bursting the water soap bubbles and playing with them and Soap bubbles are easy to make.
  • Rollover / Play dead game: These are command-based practise games that are played in your free time and they teach your pet to follow your commands. Just teach them to “Roll over” on your mattress or act as dead while you make a revolver action with your hand.
  • Command Practises: Teaching commands or giving commands is the most common but most crucial part of petting. Following commands and taking orders to make a pet more obedient and disciplined. You can teach many commands like fetching something (your clothes, your newspaper etc.) or doing some action (Switch off the buttons, setting his kennel clothes etc.). You must also note that a dog can reject or ignore your commands in first chances, so you just need to be calm and disciplined. Don’t shout at pets while giving commands or they will get aggressive.

Fun Games to play with your dog outside

  • Fetch the ball: This is a simple command-based game in which you throw a rubber ball and asked your dog to fetch it. You can also use a rubber bone or a frisbee instead of a ball. This practice mentally and physically makes your pet stronger.
  • Digging game: Another simple command-based game in which you have to prepare a hole for your pet in which he will dig out his favourite toy. You can make an artificial hole with some long wood planks and sand in your garden. This practice will help him in enhancing his digging and sniffing abilities.

How to play with a dog who doesn’t play?

Normally when a puppy is not trained enough to get socialize by playing, then he can develop a habit of not reacting to play related commands or even doesn’t know what is playing?

But still, you can start the training session by staying positive and calm.

Start with a command practice, when the dog start following the command, then praise him or treat him. If he didn’t respond to the command, then show him the treat and then command him until he starts getting it. You can start with a basic command like “Fetch”, “Find” etc.

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