Homemade Diet For Dog With Kidney Disease & Foods To Avoid

Homemade Diet For Dog With Kidney Disease & Foods To Avoid

Dogs breeds are different everywhere but their nature and body are the same at all and hence they also have the same set of body problems.

Kidneys are in pairs in a dog’s body and they help to filter out the liquid and control many other factors like blood pressure etc.

There are two types of Kidney failure in dogs, Acute and Chronic.

  1. Acute Kidney failure is the type in which a dog’s kidney health deteriorate instantly within hours or days. This always happened due to ingestion of internal chemicals or toxins by dogs.
  2. Chronic Kidney failure is the type in which deterioration is very slow and it takes months, years. This typically happens due to old age and dental issues leads to this and it is not easy to pinpoint.

Symptoms of Kidney failure in dogs

Following are some of the various symptoms that can be noted in the dogs for kidney failure in dogs and hence detect the issue.

  • Lack of drinking water
  • Urination frequency change, Low volume urination or high volume urination instant.
  • Blood in urine
  • Lethargic behaviour
  • Vomiting/ Diarrhoea
  • Dental issues like pale gums, bad breathe.

Foods that cause kidney failure in dogs (Must Avoid At All Costs)

You need to avoid high sodium food if your dog is suffering or ongoing with kidney issues, as sodium can increase blood pressure and can further increase deterioration.

Also avoid bones, horns or any types of hard parts with meat as they can easily stuck in the internal organs of the pet.

While preparing food for the dog, you should always notice these factors and avoid:- 

  • Low-phosphorus and low-sodium
  • Fish high in omega-3 fatty acids
  • Only lean meat

Below are the names of fruits and vegetables that have low phosphorus.

  • Fruits – Watermelon, Apples, Bananas, Blueberries
  • Vegetables – Green beans, Baby carrots, Broccoli

Homemade dog food for kidney disease

Boiled rice and meat recipe:-

This is a simple boiled rice and meat recipe which can be cooked easily with easily available meat. This recipe takes a few minutes to prepare and is easy to digest for a dog.


  • 1 cup of boneless meat (chicken, pork, mutton)
  • 1 mashed boiled egg
  • 2 tablespoons of curd
  • 1/4 boiled rice
  • 1/4 boiled carrot or steamed

Just boiled the meat, mix up all the boiled ingredients in a bowl and serve to the dog directly. You can feed this recipe thrice in a day or can consult to Vet if you want to feed this more.


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