As a new dog owner, you may be wondering what type of food you should be feeding them. Particularly, you may be wondering, “Can younger dogs eat Senior dog food?” The answer isn’t so simple.
While not inherently bad for your young dogs, senior food is not formulated for them. A young dog is growing. Because of this, they require a lot more nutrients and calories. A senior is more in a maintenance stage. Therefore, the food you feed labeled for senior dogs is likely to have a lot less protein and more filler ingredients. A younger dog requires a lot of nutrients for healthy growth. After all, they are in their growth stage.
The biggest concern with feeding your young dog senior dog food is the lack of nutrients they will be getting. As mentioned, they aren’t going to get nearly as many nutrients when you feed them food for senior dogs. This dog food is formulated for dogs that have already matured. Therefore, the food tends to not have nearly as much protein as puppy food. You want to get puppy food purely because it’s going to have the nutrients your dog needs.
Easier To Digest
One of the main things a lot of dog food brands focus on when they are formulating senior dog food is the digestibility of it. A lot of senior dogs have issues when it comes to digesting their food properly. Because of this, the food is generally going to be easier to digest. As a puppy, your dog isn’t going to have these same digestibility issues. Therefore, the primary benefit of feeding your dog senior food is lost.
Is It Going To Hurt Your Dog?
Probably not. Feeding your puppy senior dog food isn’t inherently bad for your dog. The food is still good and it’s better than nothing. But it’s not formulated with your dog’s development stage in mind. This alone makes it worth opting for a puppy or young dog food. Young dog food is formulated for your dog’s growth stage. It will have a lot more protein and other healthy nutrients your dog needs to grow. You want to ensure you are feeding your dog the right food to give them the nutrients they need. Senior dog food isn’t going to hurt your dog. However, it is recommended to find dog food meant for your dog’s growth and development stage for the best results.