3 Ingredient No Bake Dog Treats

3 Ingredient No Bake Dog Treats

Dogs are more than just pets; they are family members who bring joy, companionship, and unconditional love. Just like us, they enjoy tasty treats. Making homemade dog treats is a wonderful way to show your furry friend some extra love and care. Plus, it’s fun and easy! In this article, we’ll explore how to make three-ingredient no-bake dog treats. These treats are simple, quick, and made with ingredients that are safe and healthy for dogs.

Essential Ingredients for Dog Treats

When making dog treats, it’s crucial to use ingredients that are safe for dogs. Here are a few common ingredients that are both healthy and delicious for dogs:

  • Peanut Butter: Dogs love peanut butter, and it’s packed with protein and healthy fats. Make sure to use natural peanut butter without xylitol, a sweetener that is toxic to dogs.
  • Oats: Oats are a good source of fiber and are gentle on a dog’s stomach. They also help in keeping your dog’s coat shiny and healthy.
  • Bananas: Bananas are rich in potassium, vitamins, and fiber. They make a sweet and nutritious treat for dogs.

Recipe 1: Peanut Butter Oat Balls


  • 1 cup of rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup of peanut butter
  • 1 ripe banana


  • Prepare the Ingredients: Start by mashing the banana in a large bowl until it’s smooth.
  • Mix: Add the peanut butter to the mashed banana and mix until well combined.
  • Add Oats: Gradually add the rolled oats to the mixture. Stir until the oats are evenly coated.
  • Form Balls: Take small portions of the mixture and roll them into balls. You can make them any size you like, but bite-sized is usually best for dogs.
  • Chill: Place the balls on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and refrigerate for about an hour until they are firm.
  • Serve: Give the treats to your dog and watch them enjoy!

These peanut butter oat balls are not only tasty but also provide a good source of energy and nutrients.

Recipe 2: Banana Yogurt Bites


  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/2 cup of plain yogurt (make sure it doesn’t contain any artificial sweeteners)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (optional, but adds a bit of sweetness)


  • Mash the Banana: In a bowl, mash the banana until it’s smooth.
  • Add Yogurt: Mix the plain yogurt with the mashed banana until well combined.
  • Sweeten: If using, add the honey and mix thoroughly.
  • Spoon into Molds: Spoon the mixture into ice cube trays or silicone molds.
  • Freeze: Place the trays in the freezer for a few hours until the treats are solid.
  • Serve: Pop the treats out of the molds and give one to your dog as a cool, refreshing treat.

Banana yogurt bites are perfect for hot days and can help keep your dog cool and hydrated.

Recipe 3: Sweet Potato Chews


  • large sweet potato
  • 1/2 cup of coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup of rolled oats


  • Prepare the Sweet Potato: Wash and peel the sweet potato. Cut it into thin slices.
  • Coat with Coconut Oil: Melt the coconut oil and toss the sweet potato slices in it until they are well coated.
  • Roll in Oats: Spread the rolled oats on a plate and press each sweet potato slice into the oats, coating both sides.
  • Chill: Place the coated slices on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and refrigerate for an hour until they are firm.
  • Serve: Offer these chewy treats to your dog. They make a great snack that’s both healthy and satisfying.

Tips for Making Dog Treats

  • Check for Allergies: Always ensure that your dog isn’t allergic to any of the ingredients you plan to use. Introduce new ingredients slowly and watch for any adverse reactions.
  • Use Fresh Ingredients: Fresh, high-quality ingredients will make the treats more nutritious and delicious for your dog.
  • Store Properly: Keep the treats in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Since these treats are homemade and free from preservatives, they won’t last as long as store-bought treats. Aim to use them within a week.
  • Portion Control: While these treats are healthy, they should still be given in moderation. Treats should not make up more than 10% of your dog’s daily calorie intake.
  • Experiment with Flavors: Feel free to experiment with different ingredients. For example, you can substitute pumpkin puree for banana or use different types of nut butter.

Benefits of No-Bake Treats

No-bake treats are incredibly convenient. Here are some benefits:

  • Quick and Easy: These treats don’t require any baking, which saves time and makes the process simpler.
  • Minimal Equipment: You don’t need any special kitchen equipment. A mixing bowl and a spoon are often enough.
  • Kid-Friendly: Making no-bake treats is a fun activity that kids can participate in. They can help mix the ingredients, roll the balls, and shape the treats.


Making homemade dog treats is a rewarding activity that benefits both you and your dog. With just a few simple ingredients and no need for baking, you can create delicious and nutritious treats that your dog will love. Peanut butter oat balls, banana yogurt bites, and sweet potato chews are easy recipes that provide a variety of flavors and textures for your furry friend.

Remember, the key to healthy homemade treats is to use safe, high-quality ingredients and to give them in moderation. By making your own treats, you can ensure that your dog enjoys snacks that are not only tasty but also beneficial for their health. So, gather your ingredients, roll up your sleeves, and start making some homemade dog treats today! Your dog will thank you with wagging tails and happy barks.

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